Keypads with printing

Laser etch isn’t the only way to create backlit rubber keypads or keyboards. We also create back lighting on silicone rubber keypads or keyboards with a negative printing process.
Producing backlit keypads by applying a negative print is much cheaper than laser etching as there are less processes involved.
First the keypad or keyboard is moulded in a translucent grade of silicone rubber, then the surface of the keys is printed in white or the legend colour. Following this the keys are printed again with a coloured silicone print with voids where light transmission is required.
This method requires an allowance of 0.4mm around the edge of the keytop to be clear of printing so in effect when the keypad is backlit you get a “Halo” effect of light around the edge of the button as well as the legend being illuminated.
The keypad can be finished with a matt silicone spray, matt PU spray or a glossy resin top for extra wear resistance.